Install Theme


Why am I not on Tumblr anymore? Just looked around, and I gotta tell ya… it holds up! Miss this place. 

Hiroki Nakamura

Hiroki Nakamura 

Osamu Nagahama


John Mayer/Steve Jordan/Pino Palladino/Chick Corea/Wallace Roney

Here’s a full seven minute tune I loosely composed called “Little Sur,” recorded last February in New York City. I got together with some of my friends and favorite players for six amazing days of playing music with no rules, no plans, and no pressure. Oh, and no vocals. What came from it was a really inspired batch of recordings. Hours of music that I’ll need to sift through at some point should it ever become an album. (I hope it does.) If you’re wondering where I am in the mix, that’s me playing a Music Man long scale guitar… Pino and I are kind of both living in the bass space. As soon as Chick came in on the piano, I knew something really deep was taking place.  This is the rough mix that was given to me at the end of the day, as it has lived on my laptop since.

I tried to find a minute, two minute clip to share with you, but these recordings just don’t work any other way than in their unabridged form. So here it is. Free music. Played freely, shared freely. Put it on and go for the ride… If you dig all seven minutes, then surely you deserve them. 

There are times for marketing strategies, and there are times for just  p l a y i n g. The original design for all musicians.  Hope you enjoy hearing this as much as I did. 


(Source: SoundCloud / jhnmyr)

Roy Haynes, tap-dancing along with Chick Corea’s clapping, New York City.

Roy Haynes, tap-dancing along with Chick Corea’s clapping, New York City. 

BJ Novak, whose book just came out, the photo on which is in color, something I’m told that most publishers insist on these days, these days meaning the past thirty years, but I guess I was thinking a real Shel Silverstein thing, and you know what,...

BJ Novak, whose book just came out, the photo on which is in color, something I’m told that most publishers insist on these days, these days meaning the past thirty years, but I guess I was thinking a real Shel Silverstein thing, and you know what, no big loss, the photo on his book looks great.