Anonymous asked:

hi!! Idk if you’re going to see this but I really love Core!Frisk and they’re an amazing character hfjfhvjvn—

idk if this counts as a question for core Frisk but how did you ever gain the confidence to post your own AU online? How did you know people would like it or smn?? How did you first feel about posting Core!Frisk online? (I suffer with problems of “I can’t post this because what if no one will see it/no one will like it/it’s kind of bad..”)

Sorry!! (Dunno why I’m apologizing hfjfhvjvn sorry whagshdgdhg) Also if you see this ty for answering aaaaaa

Hello! If you have an idea you love, draw and share it online and keep sharing about it, even if it doesn’t get much response at first. A single post or few probably won’t leave much of a dent, but eventually people will start asking you questions! And if you keep it up and make a bunch of stuff, people will have fun browsing through your old stuff even years later.

As for me, I just had a neat idea and I made some doodles and some comics, even though in retrospect the art quality is actually very subpar. Not to put myself down of course, I’m a good artist especially these days, I just mean that CORE!Frisk didn’t capture people’s hearts based on the quality of its artwork 🤣 People eventually started asking me questions, and those questions helped me to keep building the world and the character.

It’s important to not get discouraged if you don’t immediately get any attention, though. It doesn’t mean no one cares about your work, it usually just means it wasn’t able to reach a lot of people.

Use proper tags, keep it up, and for the love of god DON’T delete anything just because it didn’t reach 100 notes by the end of the week! How are people supposed to find something that no longer exists?? There was this one artist I followed on Twitter and Pixiv whose artwork I loved and one day they just disappeared without trace, from all platforms. I still have their work saved as my phone wallpaper and it just makes me incredibly sad. It’s why I never delete anything I made, even cringe stuff. Someone out there loves it!



Quick thing for the UTMV community to think about! The Omega Timeline’s biggest law is that nobody is allowed in that has taken a life, no matter the circumstances. That means Color!Sans would not be able to go, since he killed his human. In fact, a lot of Sans AUs wouldn’t be allowed; even some characters from certain AUs wouldn’t be found there. For example, Horrortale. All the characters there have gone insane, so none of them would be allowed in. Similarly, Underfell is known for following the rule “kill or be killed” and none of them would be allowed in either. Cross probably wouldn’t be allowed to stay, but it’s kinda a gray area since in Underverse he did go there and CORE!Frisk seemed fine with him as long as he didn’t hurt anyone. So yeah! Just a small thing I though about—

That’s not really true. The Omega Timeline is also a place for people to find redemption, not that you have to have been completely innocent before coming in (otherwise, you’d be excluding the likes of Asgore, and man, everyone loves that guy!). One of the few laws it has is that you’re not allowed to kill or harm anyone. Core does invite people who want to do better but can no longer ammend their mistakes in their world. Way I see it, Core has aproached the likes of the Horror and Underfell folks. They can have succeeded with some, failed with others— it depends on who’s writing it, really.

Irredeemably evil people (people the likes of Nightmare) would not be allowed, (even if Nightmare can bypass this in his canon, but even then, he would not step foot in there).




ERROR ,in a temporary truce









And My Friends!!.


Core! frisk: @dokudoki and @corefrisk

Error sans,fresh sans and geno sans by @loverofpiggies

INK sans by @comyet

Dream and nighmare by @jokublog

Cross Sans by @jakei95

Epic sans by @yugogeer012

Killer sans by @rahafwabas

Horror sans by @horrortalecomic

Swap! Sans by @popcornpr1nce

Dust sans by@ask-dusttale

SANS by Toby Fox ! !

Anonymous asked:

I don't know if you have answered this before, can Core Frisk create multiple bodies at the same time in different universes? I know you can only have one body in one timeline, but you can have more at the same time in other worlds, right?


Anonymous asked:

Hey there! Got a question, did Frisk have the usual color palette of the frisks? Like, yellow skin, blue and purple/pink sweater?

Back when they were still human and alive, they looked just like any other Frisk.

Anonymous asked:

I'm sorry if my english is bad, it's not my first language.

I've been trying to figure out for the past hour or so, I'm not sure if it's because I'm dumb or not but can Core Frisk touch objects/people???

I know they phase through objects that's heavier than them but how about them touching the object? Does it just, phase right through them??

If it's a person, can the person feel their touch?? Or does the person feel like a ghostly hand phasing through them?

It would be helpful if you answered, I've been pondering this question for an hour.

Hello, Core Frisk can touch objects and people. If it’s a person, they can feel their touch.