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Gift Aid

Claiming Gift Aid would turn £40 into £50.00

at no extra cost to you with the government adding the additional sum.

Tick here for Gift Aid: Please treat this gift, all future gifts and gifts I have made in the last four years as Gift Aid donations to Elton John Aids Foundation. I will notify you if my details change. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less income tax and / or capital gains tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations, it is my responsibility to pay the difference.

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We’d love to keep you updated on how your support is helping us to make an impact around the globe and continue to share exciting opportunities on how you can be involved in creating a world free from AIDS.

We promise to keep your details safe, and we’ll never sell or swap your information with any other organisation. For more information about how we use and protect your data, please read our privacy policy.


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