ALUMBRE Lyrics in English MILO J , Nicki Nicole

Below, I translated the lyrics of the song ALUMBRE by MILO J from Spanish to English.
Chorus 1
Today the lights turn off in your name
To see the sky, and you left with the darkness
There's no sun or moon to illuminate you anymore
It amuses you as always
Today the lights turn off in your name
To see the sky, and you left with the darkness
There's no sun or moon to illuminate you anymore
It amuses you as always
Verse 1
I know that you were never everything that you promised
I'm tired of forgiving you, of being the one who's sad
Looking at you hurts me terribly, I can't see colors anymore
If I see you, I ask the sky to forgive you someday
It's too late for you to want to come back
I'm going to have to let you fall
Even if it hurts, what I'm going to do
Your darkness isn't going to drag me down
How much I loved you, you couldn't see
Your idea was always to hurt me
You were thirsty for revenge
And you crossed paths with me
I regret having seen you that time
Because I came to love you, if that love went
I shouted, come back
Because of you, I saw what it's like to cry for a woman
They see me smiling, and I still haven't managed to be okay
Give me light because I only have myself to lose
Chorus 2
Today the lights turn off in your name
To see the sky, and you left with the darkness
There's no sun or moon to illuminate you anymore
It amuses you as always
Today the lights turn off in your name
To see the sky, and you left with the darkness
There's no sun or moon to illuminate you anymore
It amuses you as always
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
ALUMBRE Song Meaning
"Alumbre" by Milo J featuring Nicki Nicole is a powerful song that explores the pain and darkness of a toxic relationship. The lyrics depict a sense of betrayal and disappointment, as the protagonist realizes that their love was never reciprocated. The song expresses the struggle of moving on from a destructive love, with the singer acknowledging the need to let go and not let the darkness consume them. Despite the heartbreak, the song also hints at the possibility of finding light and healing in the future. With its emotional lyrics and captivating melody, "Alumbre" serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience needed to overcome difficult relationships.
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